To dogear or not to dogear, that is the question.Can you make this into a verb, to dogear, or am I just making this up? Not that is matters, everything was made up at some point!
Anyway, the purpose of this post is to talk about whether you make a dog ear in your books or if you use a bookmark. There are some serious debates about this and it can get heated.
I for one have always dogeared my books, mainly because I'm just too damn lazy to use a bookmark. I would love to be one of those persons who uses beautiful bookmarks and has hundreds of them in their collection, each telling a different story of how said person acquired it. But no. I'm just that type of a person who can't be bothered with bookmarks, so dog ear it is.
But who is to say that a bookmark is better than a dog ear? Yes, it might not be very good for the books, or the pages more like it (it's not like the books are going to fall apart or anything), but those little ears can tell a story just like the flashy bookmarks. They tell us someone has read the books and, depending on how far the ears reach, weather the reader liked the book enough to finish it or not. They are a sign of the book serving its purpose: to be read. With bookmarks you get nothing of that, the book is always a clean slate.
I like to think of it like the wrinkles on our faces (or the future wrinkles, I'm not that old yet!); each wrinkle is a sign of laughter, sadness, stress, anger or something else that has happened to us in our lives. The dog ears are the book's wrinkles and the bookmark is the botox. OK, this is probably taking it too far....
Don't get me wrong, I don't dog ear all the books I read. If I'm reading a very expensive or a big glossy book I tend to use some kind of a marker other than an ear, also if I'm reading a borrowed book (it's not my choice whether another people's book gets an ear or not). But in general I dogear.
What about you? Comment and tell me, I would love to hear a different take on this.
Volume IV “Inside a Pair of Dice” Release Date April 25th
My name is George P. Harris.
On April 25th, I will publish on Kindle, Volume IV, “Inside a Pair of Dice.” This book involves my first two Princeton years, ’69-’70 and ‘70-’71. Volume V, “Flint Stones in the Nascent Circus” which finishes my Princeton career, such as it was, will be next in the Octology. I have the modest ambition to write more words than Remembrance of Things Past.
I fancy myself an author in the literary tradition. My novels are written in a narrative style with roots grounded in the conception of Marcel Proust. From that starting point, I also garishly threaten the good names of many influences, Bob Dylan, James Joyce, William Faulkner, and Thomas Pynchon included. I am in the midst of writing an Octology called, Four Fathers. I have completed and self-published Volume I, “For Whom the Book Tells,” Volume II, “Huckleberry Friend,” and Volume III, “Lad on a Softened Stoop.” They are available on Kindle and as paperbacks on Createspace.
The novels are chock full of layers, leitmotifs, and other such stuff for which any right-minded academic should find the basis for torturing students, now and for years to come.
I think you will find the books worthwhile and entertaining.
Here is my website, FB Author Page, twitter handle, Amazon link and Createspace links-
You may contact me a I am available for interview.
Thank you for your consideration. Any help, kind words, or counsel you could give would be most appreciated. I remain,
Very truly yours,
George P. Harris
Hi Krissa! I just found your blog, but I'm excited to read your reviews and book thoughts. I always feel a little guilty on the first dog-ear of a new book. After that, I'm practically making origami, but that first one is always folded pensively.
ReplyDeleteLove the origami comment! Thanks for reading :)